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Great show, very informative and I appreciate the amount of time involved in doing the research. I am new to your broadcast. I came here from Lunduke. I have a comment about Google, Sony, and other corporations. You can take it or leave it, delete it or whatever. I would have written to you directly, but didn't see a way to do that.

Greed is the root of all evil. Big companies show their greed by trying to monetize everything.

There is nothing wrong with big business as long as businesses follow the Christian principle of "not gleaning the field". The Bible instructs businessmen to leave the corners and edges of the field unharvested to provide sources of food and income for the less fortunate.

A wise Christian and very successful businessman, Ben Franklin, acknowledged that Christian principle, when he said that he had made enough money, and would continue to work for the benefit of mankind rather than for profit.

Good people often do bad things when they are in a group. Bad people always do bad things and get worse when they are in a group. Bad people rise to the top in big corporations that espouse unbridled greed as their guiding principle rather than brotherly love for all mankind.

Corporations rarely reach that level of enlightenment and self-government. That is why they were highly regulated, nonprofit, time-limited entities prior to the 1790's.

The Founding Fathers espoused Christian principles in their many letters and documents, going as far as saying that the Constitution is wholly inadequate to govern a non-Christian nation, because even an infinite number of laws cannot govern a person who cannot govern himself.

The problem you described is caused by the erosion of Christian principles in our society. It's not a new thing, it has been happening since the beginning of time. Organizations rise and fall in the same way throughout time.

Best Regards.

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